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+7 (812)766-05-92

Санкт-Петербург, наб. Обводного канала д. 40


Компания ООО ПГ «Фосфорит» выражает благодарность ООО «ИНТЕХПРОМ» за многолетнее и плодотворное сотрудничество в среде химзащиты оборудования. А так же благодарит за вклад, внесенный в развитие компании.

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About company

INTEXPROM Ltd is a building company with wide-ranging experience in construction and installation in St. Petersburg, as well as in other regions of the Russian Federation.

We employ qualified specialists with the highest level of technical education and with extensive experience of construction and repair works.

We use high-quality building materials of both domestic and foreign production. Our specialists work with innovative technology which is relevant to current trends in the construction market.

INTEXPROM Ltd carries out construction and reconstruction work on industrial, administrative and commercial buildings, as well as sites under State protection.

The company offers the following products and services:

  • Self-levelling polymeric floors; subbase for industrial floors;
  • Waterproofing and protection of foundations, cellars, underground constructions, tanks;
  • Production of concrete and reinforced concrete structures;
  • Construction, renovation and equipment of pools;
  • Corrosion protection painting of structures and equipment, including the use of industrial alpinism;
  • Lining works with acid proof materials; rubber lining; thermoplastic lining;
  • Roofing, sealing joints of precast concrete structures;
  • Facade and interior decorating works.




nab. Obvodnogo Kanala, 40, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 192007

Phone./Fax: +7 (812) 766-05-92

E-mail: info@intexprom.ru

"INTEXPROM" Company presentation

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